Thursday, October 30, 2014

Yoshihiro Togashi's GHOST FIGHTER [YU*YU* HAKUSHO]

幽☆遊☆白書 [YU*YU* HAKUSHO]

 The story started when a young boy was playing a soccer ball in the city streets
and a car was rushing in and hit Yusuke; a heroic act made by Yusuke (Eugene), 
he saved the kid's life by sacrificing his own and died.  His adoptive mother went
drunk, and his childhood bestfriend and current girlfriend "Keiko (Genie)", 
they were saddened to the early death of Yusuke... A lady spirit [an angel 
of death] came riding a broom; she's a messenger from Heaven... she came to 
tell Yusuke's death was not meant to be. It was a mistake or an error in the
files identified as "Ghost Files". So, he has to be reborn or else imbalance 
of nature will come to the human world. He is the next protector of the worlds; 
the dual verse [ the "human world" - world of the living beings and the 
"reverse world" - which pertains to the monsters... ], and also to the land 
of the lost souls or the world of  nothingness , even to the supernatural worlds 
[Heaven, Purgatory , and Underworld]. Yusuke became an Angel to protect the 
worlds (much known as Detective of the Spiritual World).
Yu*Yu* Hakusho Poster
 The martial arts master Genkai (Jeremiah), was an old lady who was mistakenly 
identified as a man. She was the former girlfriend and lover of the Elder Toguro. 
Toguro was not in-love, he rather was mad to Humanity and provoked Evil Spirits 
to give him strength to destroy the Human World. In a tournament, Yusuke fought 
the Elder Toguro and killed him; which sent Toguro to the Purgatory and 
eventually to the Underworld when the verdic of Heaven will come.

  And then, a former protector of the worlds came, he's name is "Sensui". 
He used to be the Warrior Angel who will protect the worlds but he turned 
to the Darkside; and instead he wanted a genocidal killing to avenge the 
monsters (who were killed by humans in the previous encounter of Sensui 
to his last mission). 
 Yusuke was not happy to kill anyone else... right after he killed Toguro 
in a tournament. So, he was not sure if he can finish the mission against 
Sensui. But Yusuke's father Raizen, was a King of their Clan and the High 
King of the world of Monsters. Raizen controlled Yusuke's mind and heart, 
similar to an oversoul, and killed Sensui.

  Prior to Sensui and Yusuke, a lady spiritual detective went on missions 
before they assumed the same designation. She must guide Yusuke using her 
wisdom in making great decisions in life. She told him, he must surrender 
his designation whenever everything is already cleared and accomplished, 
to live his own personal life. Three Monks came; Yusuke has been invited 
to go to the World of Monsters. His father, Raizen, needed to see him before 
it is too late. Raizen is dying already.
Main Characters
 Raizen and Yusuke had several conversations about who's the real mother 
of Yusuke. And that his mother actually died when Raizen came to visit 
her again; and that Yusuke was adopted by a woman. And so, Raizen died 
afterwards.  And Yusuke was meant to be the next King. But he refused 
and say no. As part of his moral obligations, Yusuke went on a meeting 
with other Kings of other 2 clans of the World of Monsters. And he chose 
to let Yumi be the new King of Kings or the Ruler High King. They had a 
tournament before making the real decision. Yumi won the championship fight. 
And became the Ruler High King. Yusuke went home, to world of Humans and 
married Keiko.

Spirit Gun or Ray Gun - basic spiritual energy weapon of Yusuke / Eugene

Shotgun Technique - using a spiritual energy ball

   Also known as "Ghost Files" in other countries; "Ghost Fighter" in the Philippines.
Yusuke & Raizen Combined Energy 

  • Top Animé of Japan...
  • Best Animé in London, England, United Kingdom...

Yusuke (Eugene) and his father Raizen as his oversoul...

Animation Studio : Pierrot Co., Ltd. , Japan


TV SERIES: [112 Episodes]

Episode 1 [Beginning]

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 17

Episode 19

Episode 30

Episode 47

Episode 55

Episode 62

Episode 63

Episode 64

Episode 75

Episode 76

Episode 79

Episode 80

Episode 89

Episode 92

Episode 93

Episode 95

Episode 96

Episode 97

Episode 98

Episode 99

Episode 101

Episode 109

Episode 110

Episode 111

Episode 112 [Ending]

OVAs : "Eizou Hakusho" (Select Episodes)

Eizou Hakusho - Episode 2 -

Eizou Hakusho - Episode 3 - At The Ramen Stand

Eizou Hakusho - Episode 3 - Teasing Yusuke and Keiko

Eizou Hakusho II - Yusuke's Document



July 10th, 1993 -  YU*YU* HAKUSHO : The Golden Seal


April 9th, 1994 - YU*YU* HAKUSHO : Chapter of Underworld's Carnage - Bonds of Fire

( GHOST FIGHTER THE MOVIE 2 / Ghost Files the Movie : Poltergeist Report )

The Untold Story of the a mission of the Spirit World Detective and High School Student, Yusuke Urameshi...

Bonds of Fire Movie Poster





Image Source/s:
